Sunday, January 31, 2016

Third Annual Super Bowl Prediction (By Previewing Absolutely Nothing Related to Football)

As unbelievable as this might sound, this blog is becoming quite old. This is my 49th post. We're nearing the third anniversary. This blog is so old if parents described the age of their children in the months this blog has been around, it would officially be weird (On a side note, what an odd societal practice in the first place, no matter the age. Parents, anything over 24 months, though, is extremely pretentious and probably an attempt to convince yourself your baby not being able to crawl with 4.4 speed, or whatever babies are supposed to do, like its peers is okay and not a sign of bad parenting). Thankfully, just in time to get some brand revitalization and momentum for the third year of the laughably incorrect predictions to come on this blog, Super Bowl 50 capstones the football calendar this week and affords an invaluable opportunity. 

For the observant and careful readers in the last paragraph, you are correct; for the first time ever, Roman numerals are not being used in notation for football's biggest stage. This was a drastic marketing disaster for the NFL because t-shirts with Super Bowl L(it) would've been best sellers. I guess Roger Goodell wasn't in the mood to be associated with yet another L. I can't blame him for that, but don't be afraid to take some risks ever once in awhile, Roger! Anyways, for the third time, we don't need the talking heads of the sports world to tell us who's going to win the Super Bowl. Simply by taking a look around the world at several important factors, I can give you a definitive winner (Actually, I'm only 1-1, but don't tell anybody. Plus, for this blog, that's a marvelous success rate). 

1. Coldplay
This year, Coldplay will be taking the stage in Santa Clara, California to perform at halftime. Are the late 1990s even calling to get this band back? Does Coldplay truly have fans? Has a Coldplay song been on the radio since 'Viva La Vida' back when I was in middle school? Is Roger Goodell trying to lure us all to sleep while he plans an Oceans level heist to become commissioner of all other leagues? Is Taylor Swift still recovering after her 1989 tour? Couldn't Kanye West and Wiz Khalifa have a rap battle? Was literally every other band on the planet busy? Is Beyonce supposed to fit in with Chris Martin? Is this Bill Belichick's favorite band and repayment for the whole Deflategate deal incident last year? Is this the doctor Concussion was based on's favorite band and repayment for the NFL's whole attitude towards that issue? Does the NFL think having a British band will let them put a team across the pond more seamlessly? Nobody wins this point. Fire Goodell. 

Carolina- 0 Denver- 0

2. Jim Nantz
With CBS broadcasting the Super Bowl, Jim Nantz will be on the call. Nantz, one of the most recognizable broadcasters in the world, has had some phenomenal last words at the conclusion of iconic games and tournaments. There is also nothing in this world Jim Nantz loves more than Peyton Manning. In his first Super Bowl for CBS, the Peyton Manning led Colts beat the Bears. Now, in what could potentially be the final game of Peyton Manning's career, Nantz is set to be on the call. That can't be just a coincidence, right? If the Eastern European syndicate from Taken stole Nantz' daughter instead of Liam Neeson's, there wouldn't have been a movie. Jim would have kidnapped Peyton to frolic off into the sunset together, dreaming of a life full of endless interviews and Nationwide jingles day after day. That's how much Jim Nantz loves this man! God, or at least the lawyers who drew the media contracts up to let the Super Bowl schedule fall across the networks as such, really, really wants Manning to win. First point, goes to Denver. 

Denver: 1          Carolina: 0

3. Dabbing
While he may not have been the first athlete to incorporate the trend into an athletic celebration, Cam Newton sure did embrace the "dance move" and elevate the action to a societal mainstay. A Tennessee fan accused Newton of being a classless embarrassment for the NFL following a lengthy touchdown dance capped with the move, and the rest has gone onto become one of the most fun chapters in Panther's history. The whole Panthers team has been dabbing on the way to 17 wins. Hilary Clinton dabbed on air with Ellen. Kids in Charlotte know a dab by Newton means one of them is going home with a football. It might not last long into 2016, as "Running Off On The Plug" and countless other moves seem ready supplant the touchdown mainstay. But hey, props to Cam for finding something to market and for virtually becoming a more frequent Santa Claus. 

Denver: 1          Carolina: 1

4. Papa John's  
Speaking of marketing, what NFL player does a better job of making his impact on television than Peyton Manning. He was hilarious as a host of Saturday Night Live way back in the day. He loves Chicken Parmesan and every seven syllable phrase thanks to Nationwide. But most importantly, he could retire today, launch his own copycat pizza company called "Papa Peyton's", and run poor John out of business. If he upgraded the company's average product, gave customers more garlic sauce, and continued a promotion of Garlic Knots with Jim Nantz (?!?!?!?), he'd run the entire industry out of business. Cam Newton seems poised to seize several more endorsement deals and commercials down the line, but nothing today is more American than pizza... So Denver gets the point.

Denver: 2          Carolina: 1

5. Superior City? 
As a college student soon to enter the job market, I'm always looking into possible places to launch a career after graduation (A contingency should I not get an offer to run my own show on ESPN, NBC, or the first sports talk show to air on Netflix). Both of these cities seem pretty damn cool. To test this assumption, I did what any intelligent millennial would do: Go to Reddit and let the Internet's most helpful users support my claim. Here are some of the finest persuasive statements:  

"... It would be very hard to not like Denver. Was there for NYE and it was 18 degrees and it was still awesome. Food, breweries, distilleries, the legal weed, amazing outdoors activities... I would live there."

"Denver is more dense and has better transportation & urban development (if you're into that lifestyle). There is also the marijuana legislation, so if you do that it's obviously a better choice."

"Honestly, I'm really liking Charlotte. We have a beer scene that rivals Denver's. There are all sorts off outdoorsy things to do here. We have a beach within a couple hours drive. Both cities seem to really value their appearance."

"(Charlotte) is wonderful, and has so much more to offer than where I moved from. The weather's great, there's mountains 2 hours away, the ocean 3 hours away, a bunch of neat restaurants and shops, and polite people all around."

This is a tough one. Mountains and marijuana versus metropolis and location. The most reputable sources on the Internet even seem torn on the matter. I've never been to Denver, but the Rocky Mountains are unquestionably a gorgeous backdrop for life. Charlotte also calls its downtown, Uptown. Little bourgeois of the Queen City if you ask me. It might be hard to breathe, but I'm going to make this sacrifice for the breathless views and give the point to Denver. Unlike most of their games, Carolina is off to a slow start. 

Denver: 3          Carolina: 1

6. Six-One-Four
The Carolina Panthers have four starters who attended The Ohio State University. In a giant bout of homegrown Buckeye Bias, that has to count for something. Kurt Coleman has been a thief in the secondary. Ted Ginn Jr. and "Philly" Brown have turned into two of the league's most surprising playmakers this season. Andrew Norwell is a beast on the offensive line that helped the Panthers develop a league-leading running game. The Denver Broncos have one starter who attended The Ohio State University. That player is Bradley Roby. In what should have been the final game of his career, the 2014 Orange Bowl against Clemson, Roby sat out in what has widely been perceived as "draft stock insurance." Watkins would catch 16 passes for over 200 yards to give the Tigers a win. In a giant bout of both Gamecock Pride and Buckeye Bias, that is inexcusable if true. We'll never know for certain if he actually had an injury, and Roby is an incredible player, but the advantage here goes to the Panthers either way. 

Denver: 3          Carolina: 2

7. Fast Food
Two years ago, one of the definitive factors of my prediction was grounded in Chipotle being headquartered in the Mile-High City. Even with its E.coli scandal, there is no better quick service burrito option. I'd rather risk eating at Chipotle than convince myself Moe's or Qdoba is a more viable option because of the presence of queso. However, since that time, I've discovered a fast food restaurant based in Charlotte that pushes the integrity fueled Mexican food down a step to the silver medal. This magical place is called Bojangles. The best chicken fingers on the planet, the indescribable taste that is found in every bite of Bo-Berry biscuits, the sweetest sweet tea in the south, and just about everything else on the menu has turned this mecca of southern fast food into a dietary staple of mine. Sure, it might not payoff in the long run for my health, but I'm Bo-Sizing this paragraph right now and giving the prediction formula, tying point to the Panthers. 

Denver: 3          Carolina: 3

8. Personal Intangible 

No matter who wins Super Bowl 50, the story writes itself for sportswriters everywhere. Either Peyton Manning gets a career defining victory for a franchise that nearly abandoned all faith in him a couple months ago, or the Panthers cement themselves as a contender for years to come behind Cam Newton and an insanely athletic defense. So who gets the edge from me? The team I now support. 

Last week, I officially declared my independence from my Browns' fandom. I've watched the Panthers play nearly every Sunday in the fall and reaped the benefits of discounted Krispy Kreme Doughnuts on far too many Mondays ($4 for a dozen in the Carolinas). So yeah, I'm on board. This means for the first time in my lifetime, "my team" is playing in the Super Bowl. If the success rate for professional sports teams I support continues to impact the Panthers, they will lose- and probably in embarrassing fashion. But something about this team feels special. It won't be easy to beat Manning-Nantz in what could be their final act together, but if anybody can do it, it's this team that couldn't gain the respect they deserved all season long. 

Keep Pounding, Panthers. Oh, and Krispy Kreme, how about a free dozen for a Carolina win?

Carolina: 24    Denver: 13

J. Nave 

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